CPA-CSPA Pre-Convention Workshop Day, June 8, Victoria BC

The Sport and Exercise Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychology Association (CPA) has partnered with the Canadian Sport Psychology Association (CSPA-ACPS) to host a full day pre-conference workshop on topics related to the practice of sport psychology prior to the Canadian Psychological Association’s 77th Annual Convention in Victoria, British Columbia, June 9-11th, 2016. The pre-convention workshop will be held on Wednesday, June 8th, 2016.
TO REGISTER please complete the registration form that will be provided to you and will be listed on the CSPA Website. This registration form MUST BE COMPLETED BY MAY 4TH and EMAILED TO SDHOAR@GMAIL.COM (Sharleen Hoar, Ph.D., BC CSPA Representative and co-organizer). Registration for the pre-convention workshop will be as follows: Professional members: $125 Student members:$ 60 If you are coming from out of town, please use the group booking at Harbour Hotels, 1-800-663-5896 and ask for the CPA-CSPA Convention rate PRIOR TO MAY 8TH. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require assistance registering for this professional development event. I can be contacted at or 778-678-8088. I look forward to seeing you in Victoria. Warmly, Sharleen Sharleen Hoar, Ph.D., Performance Psychology Consultant CSPA Professional Member and BC Representative Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Lethbridge Coastal Human Performance 778-678-8088;