CSPA Apprentice Membership Application
Apprentice Members are early career professionals who have completed formal academic training, have not been a student for over 12 months, and have not completed the supervised practice hours required for CMPC®. They must acquire a supervisor/mentor from the Registry of Approved Mentors in order to complete the supervised practice hours. Apprentice members must hold liability insurance that can be obtained through CSPA providers, Mitchell & Abbott, or another organization offering a minimum of $2,000,000. A member can maintain apprentice membership for a maximum of 3 years.
Individuals may apply to become a CSPA Apprentice Member at any time during the year. Regardless of when you are accepted as an apprentice member, annual fees are due at the end of the calendar year (December 31st). The review period typically takes between 2-6 weeks, but it may exceed that period depending on the number of applications. Should you have any remaining questions, please contact the appropriate CSPA representative:
Membership-related questions: memberships@cspa-acps.com
General Inquiries: info@cspa-acps.com