Upcoming Webinars & Events | Webinaires et événements à venir
Here are some notable webinars and events happening over the next few weeks. Voici quelques webinaires et événements digne de mention qui auront lieu au cours des prochaines semaines.

AASP Webinar - Seeing all sides: Ethics from two perspectives (February 26, 2020): https://appliedsportpsych.org/webinars/
CCES Webinar - The implications of world athletics’ regulations on female athletes with differences of sexual development (February 28, 2020): https://cces.ca/news/webinar-invitation-implications-world-athletics-regulations-female-athletes-differences-sexual
CAAWS Event - Using your power: How can individuals advance equity? (March 5, 2020): https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/using-your-power-how-can-individuals-advance-equity-tickets-91345736557
SIRC Webinar - Concussion Management: Best practices and lessons from the Canadian sport and recreation system (February 25, 2020): https://sirc.ca/events/events-conferences/concussion-management-best-practices-and-lessons-from-the-canadian-sport-and-recreation-system/