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CSPA Professional Members: Saskatchewan

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Kim Dorsch 

Mental Performance Consultant

location. Regina, SK 

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Lisa Hoffart, R. Psych

Certified Mental Performance Consultant & Registered Psychologist

Professional Affiliations: Consultant, Canadian Sport Centre Saskatchewan; Owner, Lisa Hoffart Psychology

Biography: Lisa is a Registered Psychologist and Certified Mental Performance Consultant. She is the Mental Health Lead for Team Canada at the 2023 PanAm Games in Santiago, Chile. She has also contributed to Team Saskatchewan’s performances since the 2011 Canada Winter Games. Other career highlights include being part of the team that developed the innovative Mental Fitness for Long-Term Athlete Development, an in-depth document that examines mental health and athlete career transitions from every angle. She holds a Master of Arts in Human Kinetics specializing in Sport Psychology (University of Ottawa) and a Master of Counselling specializing in Counselling Psychology (Athabasca University). Her education has enabled Lisa to further develop her holistic approach to helping athletes not only in a performance domain but also in everyday life. Lisa works with athletes and teams to help them achieve success in their performance domain. She has worked with a wide variety of sports and with athletes ranging from an introductory, grassroots level to an elite, international level. Mental skills can be learned and integrated into performance at any level, and Lisa works with athletes to help build these skills.
Additional training/certifications/workshops: Registered Psychologist - Saskatchewan College of Psychologists; ASIST; Mental health first aid; Critical incident group debriefing; Crisis response planning

Language(s): English

location. Regina, SK
phone. 306-802-3384

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Kent Kowalski, PhD

Mental Performance Consultant 

Professional Affiliations: Professor, University of Saskatchewan

Biography: Kent is a professor in the College of Kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan. Since completing his Ph.D. in 2000, his research, teaching, and applied work is primarily in the area of sport, exercise, and health psychology. His main research focus is currently on exploring the role of self-compassion in the lives of athletes.

Language(s): English

location. Saskatoon, SK
phone. 306-966-1079

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Kyle MacDonald, PhD(c) 

Mental Performance Consultant 

Professional Affiliations: Competitive Will Performance Consulting, Hockey Canada National Para Team, University of Regina

Biography: Competitive Will Performance Consulting provides mental training services to athletes, coaches, teams, and business organizations alike. Our service approach includes workshops, team building sessions, critical analysis, education, and bench-marking tools to evolve individuals and organizations in the competitive atmosphere. Individual service approach has many options for those looking to create a competitive edge through their mindset.

Language(s): English

location. Regina, SK
phone. 306-551-5418
twitter. @CompetitiveWill
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Laura Pollice, MHK 

Mental Performance Consultant 

Professional Affiliations: Owner, OptiMind; Natruotherapist, Association Québécoise des Thérapeutes Naturels

Biography: As a mental performance consultant and an athlete, Laura knows what it takes to be the best that you can be. Having experience in both team and individual sports, understanding the skills needed in both of these environments is an asset. Laura began her training as a mental performance consultant, specializing in psychology at the University of Concordia. She then completed her formal training with a master's in human kinetics at the University of Ottawa. From her experience as an athlete and her training as a mental performance consultant, Laura can provide athletes and coaches alike, with services that explore the mental side to performance needed to help improve skills on and off the pitch.

Language(s): English and French

location. Moose Jaw, SK
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