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Ottawa, ON, Canada


Kooijman, MSc

Professional Affiliations:

Owner, JWK Mental Performance Training



Originally from The Netherlands, Jelle Kooijman is a mental performance consultant and coach who focuses on helping people reach their highest potential through mental training. After completing his undergraduate degree in Human Movement Science at the VU University Amsterdam, he completed the European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology at the University of Thessaly, Greece and the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. He has experience working with athletes from different sports in Canada including soccer, volleyball and hockey teams, dancers and track & field athletes. Jelle is trained to provide a wide variety of services such as mental skills training, stress and coping techniques, exercise motivation and relaxation, as well as injury rehabilitation, coaching and team counselling. Jelle’s philosophy revolves around accepting people the way they are, but always working hard in order to keep growing.


Additional Training:

Certified for emergency first aid and CPR; Certified Development Coach, Coaching Association of Canada



English, Dutch

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