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Waterloo, ON, Canada


Dawson, PhD

Professional Affiliations:

Owner, Mind2Achieve; Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University



Kimberley Dawson is a professor in sport & exercise psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, ON. Kim received a doctorate in psychomotor behaviour from the University of Waterloo. This area of study focuses on both the environmental and social factors involved in successful motor learning and performance. Kim’s primary objective, as a mental skills consultant, is to increase the probability of transference of skill attained through training into successful competitive outcomes. She supports athletes by first identifying sport specific environmentally determined factors and then by educating athletes about how to increase their personal control of their sport environment . By minimizing distractions and maximizing strengths, a higher probability of performance success is attained. This approach has been successful for numerous Olympic athletes in sports such as figure skating, gymnastics, track & field, hockey, and boxing.


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